The tale of the Chrysler K-300 Special Ghia unfolds against the backdrop of the mid-20th century, bringing together the creative genius of Virgil Exner, a luminary in the world of automotive design at Chrysler during the 1950s, and Luigi Serge, affectionately known as “Gigi,” the Director at the Ghia studio. Their collaboration birthed an extraordinary creation – a one-of-a-kind 2-seater coupe that epitomized the pinnacle of luxury and innovation.
The design of the K-300 Special bore the indelible mark of Virgil Exner’s distinct style, characterized by a long hood, a low roofline, and the iconic tail fins that had become synonymous with his creative vision. This automotive masterpiece emerged during a period when Ghia was expanding its global footprint, fostering collaborations with major automotive players like Chrysler. The K-300 Special was a manifestation of this era, encapsulating the spirit of dynamic creativity and technological advancement.
Commissioned by none other than the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the K-300 Special was intended for his second wife, Queen Soraya, adding an extra layer of prestige to this already exclusive vehicle. The car was meticulously crafted at the renowned Carrozzeria Ghia in Turin, where the talents of Exner and Gigi converged to create a vehicle that would not only embody opulence but also showcase avant-garde features.
The interior of the K-300 Special was a marvel of automotive luxury, featuring a discreetly placed record player within the glove box, a built-in drink fridge behind the seats, a cutting-edge radio phone, and an air conditioning system that exemplified the pinnacle of comfort. The gold-plated instruments within the cabin underscored the bespoke nature of this vehicle, tailored to meet the discerning tastes of royalty.
To fulfill the Shah’s specifications, the K-300 Special was equipped with a robust 392ci engine, complete with a double 4-barrel carburetor. However, due to logistical constraints, the engine arrived unassembled, necessitating its final assembly at the Royal Garage in Iran, overseen by Reza Dardashti, the head mechanic.
Queen Soraya enjoyed the K-300 Special as her personal chariot until an unfortunate accident damaged its front section, temporarily putting a pause on its royal journeys. The car, however, would experience an extended period of dormancy, lying dormant until 1979, when the Iranian Revolution prompted the confiscation of all vehicles belonging to the Royal family. Stored alongside other confiscated vehicles in a hangar, the K-300 Special patiently awaited its eventual reawakening.
In 1991, a meticulous restoration effort was spearheaded by Mansour Kamranfar, an Iranian restoration expert. His dedicated team worked tirelessly to bring the K-300 Special back to its former glory, ensuring that every nuance of its historical significance and unique features was preserved. Post-restoration, the car found a place of honor at the National Car Museum of Iran in Tehran, where it stands today as a captivating symbol of automotive history, luxury, and regal splendor – a living testament to the enduring legacy of Exner, Gigi, and the Shah of Iran’s visionary taste in automobiles.
Imagine seeing this one in a 90’s rap video