MG B GT Pininfarina
The MG B GT Pininfarina one-off.
Vehicle Overview
The MG B GT Pininfarina design from 1964 showcases a fascinating connection between British and Italian automotive design, specifically drawing from the influence of Pininfarina’s work for Alfa Romeo. This design was a proposal for a potential replacement for the MGB and featured styling elements that would later be seen on the iconic Alfa Romeo Duetto Spider, launched the following year. The inspiration for the Duetto Spider, in turn, came from Pininfarina’s earlier Superflow series, known for its aerodynamic shapes and futuristic design cues. When the Alfa Romeo 1750 Spider was introduced in 1969, its rear-end styling also carried echoes of Pininfarina’s earlier work on the MG GT design. This continuity of design language between the MG concept and the Alfa Spider models demonstrates Pininfarina’s influence across different brands and models during that era. Interestingly, the MG B GT concept was designed with the idea of using Hydrolastic suspension, a system recently introduced by BMC (British Motor Corporation) on their 1100 series. The Hydrolastic suspension aimed to provide a smoother, more comfortable ride, and its inclusion in the MG B GT concept highlights the forward-thinking nature of the proposal. However, despite its sleek and modern appearance, the MG B GT Pininfarina design never made it to production, leaving it as a “what if” in the history of British sports cars. Nonetheless, its design DNA lived on through its influence on later, more successful models like the Alfa Romeo Spider.
Technical Specifications
ModelB GT
Length (mm)N/A
Width (mm)N/A
Height (mm)N/A
Units built1
Engine TypeN/A
Cylinder CapacityN/A
Number Of DoorsN/A
Six Month RateN/A
Twelve Month RateN/A
Date Of First RegistrationN/A
Year Of ManufactureN/A
CO2 EmissionsN/A
Fuel TypeN/A
Tax StatusN/A
Type ApprovalN/A
Wheel PlanN/A
Revenue WeightN/A
Tax DetailsN/A
Mot DetailsN/A
Cylinder CapacityN/A
Year Of ManufactureN/A
CO2 MissionsN/A
Fuel TypeN/A
Tax StatusN/A
Type ApprovalN/A
Wheel PlanN/A
Revenue WeightN/A
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