The story of Bertone: the Most Controversial Coachbuilder Ever
The beginning of Bertone Bertone was founded in November 1912, when Giovanni Bertone, then aged 28, opened a workshop specialising in the construction and…
In 1975 Bertone presented a brand new minibus based on Fiat 850 T mechanics at the Industrial Vehicle Show in Turin. This was a vehicle expressly created for transporting visitors around the Fiat factories, with a limited production run planned.
The Fiat 850 Visitors Bus: The specific use of the vehicle entailed precise design criteria: small dimensions, comfort of use and considerable window surfaces. A metal strip running all round the vehicle protects it from minor bumps and helps to lower the visual beltline. The interiors, designed to provide maximum comfort for six passengers, are understated and light, with a see-through roof and ample windows, while driving comfort is enhanced by the Fiat 850 T Idroconvert engine. Once again the flexible approach of the Bertone team had come up with a vehicle that was visually interesting and new, even in a context, that of the industrial vehicle, where aesthetics were normally relegated to second place behind functionality. Apparently the Fiat Visitors Bus was built at Carrozzieria Saturn as subcontractor.
The beginning of Bertone Bertone was founded in November 1912, when Giovanni Bertone, then aged 28, opened a workshop specialising in the construction and…
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