Dodge Challenger Special
The Dodge Challenger Special by Pietro Frua.
Vehicle Overview
The Dodge Challenger Special, crafted by Pietro Frua, emerged from a visionary collaboration between Dr. Alfred Schäfer and Walter Haefner. Their friendship sparked the idea of transforming an ordinary Dodge Challenger into a remarkable marvel. With Frua’s expertise, the R/T SE 383 Challenger underwent a stunning metamorphosis, receiving a sleek Italian body and a blend of European car components, elevating it into the epitome of automotive elegance—a Mopar donning a dinner jacket. Imagine you’re a prominent figure with ample resources, seeking a ride that transcends the ordinary, eschewing mass-produced vehicles for something exclusive. An Italian flair with muscle, perhaps? Enter Mr. Frua, where automotive enchantment unfolds. Dr. Alfred Schäfer, Schweizer Bankgesellschaft’s director, epitomized this in 1970. Collaborating with Walter Haefner, Swiss entrepreneur and Chrysler importer, they conceived the notion of transforming a standard Dodge Challenger into an extraordinary creation—a vision realized by Frua. The resulting Frua Challenger, undoubtedly one of the most exquisite cars ever crafted, stands as a testament to timeless beauty. Remarkably, it has gracefully journeyed through time, preserved in immaculate condition. Yet, its completion almost faced a tragic halt. Schäfer and Haefner narrowly escaped a plane mishap returning from a meeting with Frua in Turin—an incident that nearly derailed the Challenger’s creation. In 1977, the Challenger found itself under the care of Nicolas Leutwiler Zumikon, another Swiss luminary. Despite being merely seven years old, Zumikon commissioned a comprehensive restoration, enhancing its allure. The interiors received a makeover with white cream leather, the radiator grill adorned with black chrome, bumper overriders removed, and wire wheels replacing the originals. In its refined state, the Frua Challenger remains a symbol of automotive excellence, a fusion of Italian sophistication and American muscle, transcending mere transportation to embody an enduring legacy of craftsmanship and innovation. It was exhibited at the 2007 Concorso d’Eleganza di Villa d’Este.
Technical Specifications
Length (mm)N/A
Width (mm)N/A
Height (mm)N/A
Units built1
Engine TypeV8
Cylinder CapacityN/A
Number Of DoorsN/A
Six Month RateN/A
Twelve Month RateN/A
Date Of First RegistrationN/A
Year Of ManufactureN/A
CO2 EmissionsN/A
Fuel TypeN/A
Tax StatusN/A
Type ApprovalN/A
Wheel PlanN/A
Revenue WeightN/A
Tax DetailsN/A
Mot DetailsN/A
Cylinder CapacityN/A
Year Of ManufactureN/A
CO2 MissionsN/A
Fuel TypeN/A
Tax StatusN/A
Type ApprovalN/A
Wheel PlanN/A
Revenue WeightN/A
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