Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spiaggina
The Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spiaggina by Carrozzeria Corna.
Vehicle Overview
The Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spiaggina started its life as a standard Giulietta sedan before undergoing a remarkable transformation. In 1963, the second owner brought the car to the Corna brothers, who converted it into a bespoke, one-off, 2-door convertible. This unique project involved crafting a removable wood top, wood bumpers, and a bespoke body, creating a distinctively stylish and personalized vehicle. The Giulietta Spiaggina was enjoyed by its then-current and subsequent owners until it was taken off the road and stored in 1984. It remained hidden and largely forgotten until it was rediscovered by a significant European collector in 2002. Recognizing its unique character and historical value, the collector embarked on an extensive and meticulous restoration project that lasted from 2012 through December 2020. Today, the Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spiaggina is part of the prestigious Stuart Parr Collection. Its restoration has brought it back to its former glory, highlighting the craftsmanship of the Corna brothers and the timeless elegance of the original Giulietta design. The vehicle stands as a testament to the ingenuity and passion of its creators and restorers, preserving an important piece of automotive history. The Giulietta Spiaggina’s story is one of transformation, rediscovery, and revival. From a standard sedan to a unique convertible, and from obscurity to a cherished collector’s item, it embodies the spirit of innovation and the enduring appeal of classic Italian design. Its journey through time and meticulous restoration have ensured that this one-of-a-kind Alfa Romeo continues to be admired and enjoyed by enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Technical Specifications
MakeAlfa Romeo
ModelGiulietta Spiaggina
Length (mm)N/A
Width (mm)N/A
Height (mm)N/A
Units builtN/A
Engine TypeN/A
Cylinder CapacityN/A
Number Of DoorsN/A
Six Month RateN/A
Twelve Month RateN/A
Date Of First RegistrationN/A
Year Of ManufactureN/A
CO2 EmissionsN/A
Fuel TypeN/A
Tax StatusN/A
Type ApprovalN/A
Wheel PlanN/A
Revenue WeightN/A
Tax DetailsN/A
Mot DetailsN/A
Cylinder CapacityN/A
Year Of ManufactureN/A
CO2 MissionsN/A
Fuel TypeN/A
Tax StatusN/A
Type ApprovalN/A
Wheel PlanN/A
Revenue WeightN/A
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