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Garavini Livery Design Contest

Livery Design Contest

The Garavini 111 concept sees the light after one hundred and eleven years since the birth of the historic brand based on the Alfa Romeo 4C with the scope of bringing back to life the style and elegance of the golden era of bespoke coachbuilding deploying innovative design lines, materials and technologie

Being in the design stage of the Garavini 111 with the #Livery111 contest the Brand wishes to make the aficionados community part of what the first prototype will wear, its livery, the business card whose role is to express the emotions given by the car. #Livery111 will end Wednesday March 31st 2021

The contest will start on the 31st of January 2021 at 18:00 (CET), it will end on the 31st of March 2021 at 19:00 (CET). During this period the affectionados will be able to contribute to the making of the livery that the first prototype of the Garavini111 will wear during the testing phase that will start in the upcoming months

By that time the official template will be published on the wevsite and the official instagram account @GaraviniTorino.

Qualifying criteria:

  • The participant must follow Garavini’s official Instagram account @GaraviniTorino.
  • The official template must be used and submitted.
  • The image must be shared (via instagram post or IG stories) before Wednesday March 31st 2021 at 19:00 (CET)
  • The shared image must include tag to the Instagram accont @GaraviniTorino and “#Livery111”

As of Sunday January 31st 2021 h 19:00 (CET) it will be possible to download all the material needed to enter the contest #Livery111 at

Partecipants are required to follow Garavini Torino’s official Instagram account @GaraviniTorino and format their design according to the template provided. Partecipants will share their livery on Instagram tagging the IG page @GaraviniTorino and will include “#Livery111”

Garavini’s Instagram accont will gather, once per week, all of the images submitted by the partecipants (that comply with the above mentioned qualifying criteria) and will share them via IG Stories, tagging the author. At this point anyone  will be able to vote for their favourite design among those shared


The image declared winner of the #Livery111 contest, will be shared on Garavini Torino’s official Instagram account, and will be applied as livery on the Alfa Romeo 4C that will then become the first prototype of the Garavini 111.

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