Kevin Rice is a seasoned automotive designer with a career spanning decades, beginning in 1986. His creative journey has taken him across the globe, working in diverse countries such as Japan, Italy, Germany, and his native England. Over the years, Kevin’s work has shaped the automotive industry, with many of his designs finding their way onto the streets, continuing to excite him just as much today as when he first started.
Some of the notable milestones in his career include working with some of the most prestigious automotive brands in the world. He started with the renowned Italian design house Giugiaro, followed by stints at Opel and Mazda, before taking on a significant role at BMW, where he was responsible for managing various high-profile projects.
At Mazda, Kevin took on the challenge of helping to define the company’s future design direction, a task that allowed him to contribute to shaping the brand’s identity and aesthetic vision. His time at Chery, the Chinese automaker, was another unique and invaluable experience, expanding his global perspective in the automotive industry.
A major highlight of his career came when he was given the opportunity to guide Pininfarina Design, one of the most storied and respected names in automotive design. For Kevin, this role was not just a career milestone but a dream come true, allowing him to apply his wealth of experience to one of the most iconic design studios in the world.
Kevin’s work continues to leave a lasting impact on the automotive world, and his passion for design remains as strong as ever, driving him to create vehicles that blend style, innovation, and functionality.